Dependency Injection

To implement a loosely coupled architecture in order to get better testable, maintainable and extendable code.


To implement a loosely coupled architecture in order to get better testable, maintainable and extendable code.

  • The Doctrine2 ORM uses dependency injection e.g. for configuration that is injected into a Connection object. For testing purposes, one can easily create a mock object of the configuration and inject that into the Connection object
  • Many frameworks already have containers for DI that create objects via a configuration array and inject them where needed (i.e. in Controllers)



namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DependencyInjection;

class DatabaseConfiguration
    public function __construct(
        private string $host,
        private int $port,
        private string $username,
        private string $password
    ) { }

    public function getHost(): string
        return $this->host;

    public function getPort(): int
        return $this->port;

    public function getUsername(): string
        return $this->username;

    public function getPassword(): string
        return $this->password;


namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\DependencyInjection;

class DatabaseConnection
    public function __construct(private DatabaseConfiguration $configuration)

    public function getDsn(): string
        // this is just for the sake of demonstration, not a real DSN
        // notice that only the injected config is used here, so there is
        // a real separation of concerns here

        return sprintf(