The purpose of the design pattern
For a given language, it defines the representation of its grammar as "No Terminal Expression" and "Terminal Expression", as well as an interpreter for the sentences of that language.
Examples of how the design pattern can be used
An example of a binary logic interpreter, each definition is defined by its own class
UML design pattern diagram
Code snippets
AbstractExp defines the interpret method signature. Any class extending AbstractExp must provide a method body for interpret.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter;
abstract class AbstractExp
abstract public function interpret(Context $context): bool;
AndExp extends AbstractExp and accepts two instances of AbstractExp via the construct. The interpret method is made concrete and accepts a Context class as a method parameter.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter;
* This NoTerminalExpression
class AndExp extends AbstractExp
public function __construct(private AbstractExp $first, private AbstractExp $second)
public function interpret(Context $context): bool
return $this->first->interpret($context) && $this->second->interpret($context);
OrExp extends AbstractExp and accepts two instances of AbstractExp via the construct. The interpret method is made concrete and accepts a Context class as a method parameter.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter;
* This NoTerminalExpression
class OrExp extends AbstractExp
public function __construct(private AbstractExp $first, private AbstractExp $second)
public function interpret(Context $context): bool
return $this->first->interpret($context) || $this->second->interpret($context);
VariableExp extends AbstractExp and accepts a string via the construct. The interpret method is made concrete and accepts a Context class as a method parameter.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter;
* This TerminalExpression
class VariableExp extends AbstractExp
public function __construct(private string $name)
public function interpret(Context $context): bool
return $context->lookUp($this->name);
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
The Context class has two methods; lookUp and assign that all concrete ‘exp’ classes have access to.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter;
use Exception;
class Context
private array $poolVariable;
public function lookUp(string $name): bool
if (!key_exists($name, $this->poolVariable)) {
throw new Exception("no exist variable: $name");
return $this->poolVariable[$name];
public function assign(VariableExp $variable, bool $val)
$this->poolVariable[$variable->getName()] = $val;
Unit test showing an example of the Interpreter pattern.
namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter\Tests;
use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter\AndExp;
use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter\Context;
use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter\OrExp;
use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Interpreter\VariableExp;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class InterpreterTest extends TestCase
private Context $context;
private VariableExp $a;
private VariableExp $b;
private VariableExp $c;
public function setUp(): void
$this->context = new Context();
$this->a = new VariableExp('A');
$this->b = new VariableExp('B');
$this->c = new VariableExp('C');
public function testOr()
$this->context->assign($this->a, false);
$this->context->assign($this->b, false);
$this->context->assign($this->c, true);
// A ∨ B
$exp1 = new OrExp($this->a, $this->b);
$result1 = $exp1->interpret($this->context);
$this->assertFalse($result1, 'A ∨ B must false');
// $exp1 ∨ C
$exp2 = new OrExp($exp1, $this->c);
$result2 = $exp2->interpret($this->context);
$this->assertTrue($result2, '(A ∨ B) ∨ C must true');
public function testAnd()
$this->context->assign($this->a, true);
$this->context->assign($this->b, true);
$this->context->assign($this->c, false);
// A ∧ B
$exp1 = new AndExp($this->a, $this->b);
$result1 = $exp1->interpret($this->context);
$this->assertTrue($result1, 'A ∧ B must true');
// $exp1 ∧ C
$exp2 = new AndExp($exp1, $this->c);
$result2 = $exp2->interpret($this->context);
$this->assertFalse($result2, '(A ∧ B) ∧ C must false');